個人相簿歲月的痕跡/Traces of the past 顯示模式:縮圖 文字
幾度花飛,往事多少,盡在褪色的記憶與泛黃的照片裡。/Seasons come, seasons go. Events of the past are kept in faded memories and matted photos
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男十五舍簡陋但溫暖的床位/My bed 325 45 KB 2006/09/29 00:28
男十五舍104室室友與宿舍工友老周合影/My room mates 356 52 KB 2006/09/29 00:20
燭下苦讀/Burning the midnight oil 378 36 KB 2006/09/29 00:17
初抵台大住男十五舍, 而今已不在矣/The 15th Hostel, NTU 281 35 KB 2006/09/29 00:13
寒窗四年一頂四方帽/My graduation photo 355 3 KB 2006/09/22 17:25
初抵台大,到傅園留影/Upon Arriving National Taiwan University 303 51 KB 2006/09/22 17:20
椰林大道的新鮮人1979/ A freshman in 1979 282 43 KB 2006/09/22 17:15
1979年從新加坡巴耶里巴機埸搭機赴台/Leaving for Taipei,1979 348 48 KB 2006/09/22 17:08
僅有的一張高三同學在校外的合照/Outside the school 300 51 KB 2006/09/22 16:58
赴台前攝於新山蘇丹花園/Sultan Ibrahim Building,Johor Bahru 469 75 KB 2006/09/22 16:50
文學院走廊一扇落地窗,令人不捨的寒窗四年/The Unforgetable 4 Years 286 14 KB 2006/09/22 16:38
攝於台北國家劇院公園/National Theater Park, Taipei 290 20 KB 2006/09/22 16:33
攝於陽明山台北教師研習中心/Taipei Teacher Study Center 331 11 KB 2006/09/22 16:28
背景是馬來西亞國會大廈/Building of Parliment, Malaysia 523 10 KB 2006/09/22 16:23
攝於男一舍121寢室內/Photo taken at Room 121, First Hostel,NTU 293 10 KB 2006/09/22 16:17
初一丙合照,第二排最右為班主任彭志倫師,目前已是寬中校長/Form 1 Class Photo 346 63 KB 2006/09/21 12:19
雨中騎/Cycling in Rain 297 42 KB 2006/06/26 10:33
佳樂水/Jaileshui,a national scenic spot 398 30 KB 2006/06/23 16:46
玉山2/Yushan National Park, Taiwan-2 317 113 KB 2006/06/23 16:44
桃園復興山莊/Fu Xing Hill Village, Taoyuan 266 65 KB 2006/06/23 16:42
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