個人相簿歲月的痕跡/Traces of the past 顯示模式:縮圖 文字
幾度花飛,往事多少,盡在褪色的記憶與泛黃的照片裡。/Seasons come, seasons go. Events of the past are kept in faded memories and matted photos
27 張相片|總大小 1,322 KB|瀏覽人次 9,023
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玉山/Yushan National Park, Taiwan 255 85 KB 2006/06/23 16:41
白千層/Cajeput Trees 292 69 KB 2006/06/23 16:38
大學服/My varsity costume 312 153 KB 2006/06/23 16:36
台大農場/ A Farm in National Taiwan University 263 68 KB 2006/06/23 16:31
台大男一/First Hostel, Natioanal Taiwan University 432 58 KB 2006/06/23 16:28
小學畢業照/class photo of Standard 6 344 44 KB 2006/06/23 16:25
小學的我/Me during my primary school days 267 16 KB 2006/06/23 16:22
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