個人相簿歲月的痕跡/Traces of the past 瀏覽357|回應0|推薦0
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初一丙合照,第二排最右為班主任彭志倫師,目前已是寬中校長/Form 1 Class Photo
▲ 2006/09/21 12:19 (人物其他)
Class photo of Form 1 (C). In the second row, first from the right was my form teacher Mr Peng Zhi Lun, who is currently the principal of Foon Yew High School.
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背景是馬來西亞國會大廈/Building of Parliment, Malaysia 攝於男一舍121寢室內/Photo taken at Room 121, First Hostel,NTU 初一丙合照,第二排最右為班主任彭志倫師,目前已是寬中校長/Form 1 Class Photo 雨中騎/Cycling in Rain 佳樂水/Jaileshui,a national scenic spot