個人相簿歲月的痕跡/Traces of the past 瀏覽359|回應0|推薦0
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1979年從新加坡巴耶里巴機埸搭機赴台/Leaving for Taipei,1979
▲ 2006/09/22 17:08 (人物其他)
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. I hate so say goodbye but I have to.'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, from Paya Lebah International Airport, Singapore, to pursue my study at National Taiwan University in 1979.
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初抵台大,到傅園留影/Upon Arriving National Taiwan University 椰林大道的新鮮人1979/ A freshman in 1979 1979年從新加坡巴耶里巴機埸搭機赴台/Leaving for Taipei,1979 僅有的一張高三同學在校外的合照/Outside the school 赴台前攝於新山蘇丹花園/Sultan Ibrahim Building,Johor Bahru