
個人相簿Books review 顯示模式:縮圖 文字
Appreciate for some friends in udn.com gave me these wonderful books to enjoy.

6 張相片|總大小 453 KB|瀏覽人次 3,115
相片標題 瀏覽 大小 更新時間
The Light on the Balcony 517 35 KB 2009/09/24 09:26
Universal Declaration of Human Right and the Highest Attainable Standard of Health 453 120 KB 2009/08/16 19:56
Math through the Ages:A Gentle History for Teachers and Others 555 121 KB 2009/08/10 11:16
Four Seasons in Taiwan 467 59 KB 2009/06/29 17:18
The world is shifting in my eyes 638 48 KB 2008/09/01 16:52
How to be good 485 67 KB 2008/09/01 16:50