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How to be good
▲ 2008/09/01 16:50 (社會人文其他)
徵文送書(http://blog.udn.com/ugeesana/1923235):"我要一個不一樣的老公",老公卻在此時將好消息帶入他們的生活,不但眼光與生活變得不同...巷弄的遊民孤兒與居民的生活也跟著不同,老婆抓狂阻擋不了to be good的訊息,然而,夫妻的鎖依舊緊繫著他們...

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Universal Declaration of Human Right and the Highest Attainable Standard of Health Math through the Ages:A Gentle History for Teachers and Others Four Seasons in Taiwan The world is shifting in my eyes How to be good