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小女孩坐在Robert腳上吃飯 【A 1st grade girl sat on Robert's foot during lunch time] 1852 116 KB 2010/05/24 07:02
全校集合 [Whole school gather together] 1644 150 KB 2010/06/02 10:39
看看那些紅紅的臉蛋 [adorable red cheeks] 1551 138 KB 2010/06/02 09:36
可愛的小朋友們 【More lovely kids】 1666 208 KB 2010/07/08 07:26
Boys and girls with V 1664 146 KB 2010/05/24 15:03
臨時廁所用帆布圍起,內挖一坑[Temparay restrooms - Two holes surrounded by tarps] 1051 121 KB 2010/06/02 09:27
新廁所正在興建中 [New restroom is under construction] 1290 144 KB 2010/07/08 07:40
厨房 [Old style stove in the Kitchen] 1278 138 KB 2010/05/24 15:34
舊校舍的門及課桌被湊成擀麵拉麵的檯子 [Kitchen table made of old classroom desks and door] 1535 130 KB 2010/06/02 09:21
育芳愛心小學正面及大道 -- 碎石子、泥濘路 [Muddy road in front of school] 1546 105 KB 2010/06/02 09:02
舊校舍剩下的一面土墻 【Remaining mud wall from the old school building】 1271 293 KB 2010/07/08 07:26
陜西人喜歡蹲著吃飯 [Local people used to eat with the squat position.] 1559 123 KB 2010/06/02 09:17
團員圍著乒乓球桌吃扯麵(biang biang麵)--褲帶那麼寬 [Lunch was served on ping-pong table] 1498 139 KB 2010/06/02 09:41
校方提供的早餐 [school also provided wonderful breakfast] 1498 149 KB 2010/06/02 09:45
手工 -- 剪紙人 手牽手 [craft - Making a chain of paper dolls] 1519 139 KB 2010/06/02 10:02
男生也很認真 -- 有沒有看到那桌前面寫什麼? [Boys also like the craft] 1464 142 KB 2010/06/02 10:29
沒有六個小人手牽手 -- 有點抱歉的眼神 [Sorry, I goofed!] 1445 122 KB 2010/06/02 10:29
什麼髮型的小朋友就剪出什麼樣的紙人 [Children cut dolls with their own hair style!] 1452 143 KB 2010/06/02 10:30
什麼髮型的小朋友就剪出什麼樣的紙人-2 [Children cut dolls with their own hair style!] 1597 142 KB 2010/06/02 10:30
什麼髮型的小朋友就剪出什麼樣的紙人-3[Children cut dolls with their own hair style!] 1608 128 KB 2010/06/02 10:30
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