個人相簿育芳愛心小學 瀏覽1548|回應0|推薦1
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育芳愛心小學正面及大道 -- 碎石子、泥濘路 [Muddy road in front of school]
▲ 2010/06/02 09:02 (海外旅遊亞洲其他)
Muddy road in front of the school. In 1994, I walked half hour of muddy road to this village.
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厨房 [Old style stove in the Kitchen] 舊校舍的門及課桌被湊成擀麵拉麵的檯子 [Kitchen table made of old classroom desks and door] 育芳愛心小學正面及大道 -- 碎石子、泥濘路 [Muddy road in front of school] 舊校舍剩下的一面土墻 【Remaining mud wall from the old school building】 陜西人喜歡蹲著吃飯 [Local people used to eat with the squat position.]