個人相簿藝術家引薦 1- Scott Christensen 瀏覽740|回應0|推薦1
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藝術家引薦 1- 油畫家Scott Christensen - Trees of Ireland
▲ 2010/01/16 23:25 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
Trees of Ireland by Scott Christensen, 2006, oil, 48 x 48 in. 122 x 122 cm 此圖片載選於 http://www.artistdaily.com/部落格
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藝術家引薦 1- 油畫家Scott Christensen - Iseltwald, Switzerland 藝術家引薦 1- 油畫家Scott Christensen - Trees of Ireland  藝術家引薦 1- 油畫家Scott Christensen - Coastal