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Eggshell Blue and White Playing Kids Bowl Yongle Period 明永樂年製薄胎青花嬰戲圖大碗
▲ 2013/03/18 19:06 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
Eggshell Blue and White Playing Kids Bowl Yongle Period 明永樂年製薄胎青花嬰戲圖大碗 #1 http://orionwebmuseum.blogspot.com #2 http://taiwanwebmuseum.blogspot.com #3 http://orionandhsu.blogspot.com #4 http://art-3000.com/artist/orionandhsu/
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張大千1979年作摩耶精舍外雙溪潑彩山水圖 張大千1940年代作紅妝步障工筆紅荷花圖 Eggshell Blue and White Playing Kids Bowl Yongle Period 明永樂年製薄胎青花嬰戲圖大碗 Eggshell Blue and White Playing Kids Bowl Yongle Period 明永樂年製薄胎青花嬰戲圖大碗 Eggshell Blue and White Playing Kids Bowl Yongle Period 明永樂年製薄胎青花嬰戲圖大碗