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24 張相片|總大小 2,097 KB|瀏覽人次 12,016
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相片標題 瀏覽 大小 更新時間
egg from a pheasant 435 91 KB 2007/08/17 19:09
globules on the leaf of papaya 438 70 KB 2007/08/16 08:53
Mongo 464 71 KB 2007/07/12 13:43
狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides) 525 101 KB 2007/05/30 15:29
李子(Prunus domestica) 620 85 KB 2007/04/13 10:44
香椿(Cedrela sinensis Juss.) 617 99 KB 2007/04/13 10:32
梨園一景 486 111 KB 2007/03/18 15:51
山路入口 500 116 KB 2007/03/02 14:49
地瓜花 676 73 KB 2007/02/14 16:54
芋頭4 440 68 KB 2007/02/13 13:18
芋頭3 426 69 KB 2007/02/13 13:17
芋頭2 474 75 KB 2007/02/13 13:17
芋頭1 439 79 KB 2007/02/13 13:17
White Pharbitis nil on September 24, 2006 529 117 KB 2006/09/26 08:01
Guess what the flower is^^ 540 72 KB 2006/09/17 18:30
Leaves of Dioscorea polystachya Turcz on September 15, 2006 615 97 KB 2006/09/16 20:17
Duranta repens cv. ' Dwarftype' on September 15, 2006 596 168 KB 2006/09/16 13:25
The flowers of pear on September 2, 2006 498 49 KB 2006/09/08 11:57
The flowers of leeks on September 2, 2006 521 102 KB 2006/09/06 11:12
A ootheca of a mantid on July 23, 2006 614 78 KB 2006/07/25 10:51
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