個人相簿巴黎婚禮 顯示模式:縮圖 文字
9 張相片|總大小 552 KB|瀏覽人次 4,014
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凱旋門 381 44 KB 2008/04/27 09:46
新娘及新郎- lawyer vs engineer 622 52 KB 2008/04/27 09:36
結婚蛋糕- Amazingly big! 419 98 KB 2008/04/27 09:51
飯店- main meal 463 67 KB 2008/04/27 09:46
甜點時間- the whole hall was full of desserts. 517 58 KB 2008/04/27 09:46
水果- part of the dessert section 395 71 KB 2008/04/27 09:37
和平鴿- oh my god, I could not believe this. 423 40 KB 2008/04/27 09:37
熱舞- dancing with a live band 386 53 KB 2008/04/27 09:37
婚禮第二天 LV補貨- one person can only buy two products. 408 63 KB 2008/04/27 09:46