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Cats are better than men - 2 162 20 KB 2009/03/17 13:08
They don't work weekends. 183 51 KB 2009/03/17 13:08
Cats are better than men - 1 213 23 KB 2009/03/17 12:43
They never leave the seat up. 230 46 KB 2009/03/17 12:42
Cats are better than men - 4 168 24 KB 2009/03/17 12:42
They don't hide behind a newspaper. 207 63 KB 2009/03/17 12:42
Cats are better than men - 2 183 28 KB 2009/03/17 12:42
They think you look just fine without makeup. 201 54 KB 2009/03/17 12:42
Cats are better than men - 5 220 21 KB 2009/03/17 12:38
They're eager to please you. 261 32 KB 2009/03/17 12:38
Cats are better than men - 3 190 22 KB 2009/03/17 12:37
They don't talk about themselves. 203 65 KB 2009/03/17 12:37
Cats are better than men - 1 202 24 KB 2009/03/17 12:37
They like to snuggle all night long. 172 47 KB 2009/03/17 12:36
Cats are better than men - 4 221 23 KB 2009/03/17 12:36
They have impeccable table manners. 210 24 KB 2009/03/17 12:36
Cats are better than men - 2 181 22 KB 2009/03/17 12:36
They don't watch sports on TV. 222 87 KB 2009/03/17 12:35
Cats are better than men - 5 189 21 KB 2009/03/17 12:15
They don't hog the covers or snore. 201 59 KB 2009/03/17 12:15
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