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Christmas Eve at the Grave, 1896, Johan Otto Hesselbom (1848-1913)
▲ 2019/12/26 00:37 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
https://liturgical-agenda.tumblr.com/post/189864273384/christmas-eve-at-the-grave-1896-johan-otto https://liturgical-agenda.tumblr.com/archive
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Marie Laurencin Valentine 1924 Elvi Maarni • the grand piano player Christmas Eve at the Grave, 1896, Johan Otto Hesselbom (1848-1913) Untitled 1985  Anish Kapoor, British, b. Bombay, India, 1954 lice Bailly (Suisse, 1872-1938) "Concert dans le jardin (Concert in the Garden)", 1920.