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The Antelucan Hourglass____Pere Pruna, Desnudo ante la puerta, 1966
▲ 2018/06/23 11:22 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
http://antelucanhourglass.tumblr.com/archive http://antelucanhourglass.tumblr.com/post/175131804757
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Sac à fouilles____Béla Kádár (Hongrois, 1877-1956) Ignuda   -    Augusto Giacometti ,  1915  Swiis, 1877-1947  Pastel on  paper 21 x 22,8 cm The Antelucan Hourglass____Pere Pruna, Desnudo ante la puerta, 1966 Henri Matisse (French, 1869-1954) - Nude on a Blue Background (1936) Frederic Carl Frieseke, The Robe