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Beautiful Illuminated Manuscripts____Creation of Heaven and Earth (c 1460-1477) by Pellegrino di Mariano Rossini, Siena, Italy
▲ 2018/04/12 11:21 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
http://beautifulmedievalmanuscripts.tumblr.com/post/171636614945/poete-creation-of-heaven-and-earth-c-1460-1477 http://beautifulmedievalmanuscripts.tumblr.com/archive
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摩西(Moses) - 米開朗基羅 Abraham and the Angels Beautiful Illuminated Manuscripts____Creation of Heaven and Earth (c 1460-1477) by Pellegrino di Mariano Rossini, Siena, Italy Cornelis van Haarlem - a monk with a beguine - 1591____Skull of joy The Three Kings, 1965 - George Campbell (1917–1979) mixed media