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Moise Kisling (1891 - 1953) Portrait De Femme 1928____Baga
▲ 2018/03/21 19:47 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
http://helloagauniverse.tumblr.com/post/172063527397/dead-molchun-moise-kisling-1891-1953 http://helloagauniverse.tumblr.com/archive
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Garden Study of the Vickers Children, 1884____John Singer Sargent The Birthday, 1915, Marc Chagall____Marc Chagall Moise Kisling (1891 - 1953) Portrait De Femme 1928____Baga Marie-Catherine-Hortense Desjardins de Villedieu/Mme de Villedieu, 1640-1692____National museum, SWE Victor Gilbert  Elégante sur les quais de Seine____19th and Early 20th Century