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Terracotta Pots and Flowers (Pots en terre cuite et fleurs) by Paul Cézanne____Barnes Collection
▲ 2017/12/16 18:37 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
https://the-barnes-art-collection.tumblr.com/post/168246559718/terracotta-pots-and-flowers-pots-en-terre-cuite https://the-barnes-art-collection.tumblr.com/archive
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Pot of Flowers, Pierre Bonnard____Post-Impressionism Blumen auf Weiß (Zyklamen und Hyazinthe), 1934, Gabriele Munter____Gabriele Munter Terracotta Pots and Flowers (Pots en terre cuite et fleurs) by Paul Cézanne____Barnes Collection Still Life in the Studio  (1914)  Josef Stoitzner____Catmota Still Life with Flowers (1966)   Hans Brosch