個人相簿美國空軍 U.S. Air Force 瀏覽51|回應0|推薦0
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U.S.Air Force, 23TFW, the 1976 Bicentennial scheme A-7D
▲ 2013/07/19 11:29 (生活休閒收藏嗜好)
JWings 1/144 A-7D 1976
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U.S.Air Force, 23TFW, the 1976 Bicentennial scheme A-7D JWings 1/144 LTV A-7D Corsair II U.S.Air Force, 23TFW, the 1976 Bicentennial scheme A-7D 壯盛軍容 全部都是 F-105 雷公戰鬥機