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舊城區的小酒館_ U dvou kocek (at the Two Cats)-Olomouc cheese
▲ 2008/06/16 17:35 (海外旅遊歐洲)
Olomouc cheese (olomoucké tvarůžky) – mature cheese from low-fat curds with an unmistakable aroma. Some love it, others hate it. This phenomenon of Czech cuisine even has its own museum (www.tvaruzky.cz). (捷克觀光局)
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舊城區的小酒館_ U dvou kocek (at the Two Cats)-PORK NECK 舊城區的小酒館_ U dvou kocek (at the Two Cats)-Olomouc cheese 舊城區的小酒館_ U dvou kocek (at the Two Cats)-Olomouc cheese 舊城區的小酒館_ U dvou kocek (at the Two Cats) 舊城區的小酒館_ U dvou kocek (at the Two Cats)