個人相簿歲月的痕跡/Traces of the past 瀏覽288|回應0|推薦0
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初抵台大住男十五舍, 而今已不在矣/The 15th Hostel, NTU
▲ 2006/09/29 00:13 (人物其他)
I stayed at The 15th Hostel upon arriving NTU. It no longer exists today.
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男十五舍104室室友與宿舍工友老周合影/My room mates 燭下苦讀/Burning the midnight oil 初抵台大住男十五舍, 而今已不在矣/The 15th Hostel, NTU 寒窗四年一頂四方帽/My graduation photo 初抵台大,到傅園留影/Upon Arriving National Taiwan University