個人相簿華光合唱團/Hua Guang Choir 瀏覽363|回應0|推薦0
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演唱會結束摸黑回宿舍途中留影/After concert
▲ 2006/09/21 23:20 (人物其他)
Photo taken on the way back to the hostel after the concert. "The music may stop now and then, But the strings will remain forever..." ~~Author unknown
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她就是《記得當時楊柳青》裡的馬豐華/ My Fair Lady 與畢業團友在台大醉月湖留影/Graduation day 演唱會結束摸黑回宿舍途中留影/After concert 與曹元聲老師敘別合照/Our teacher, Mr Cao Yuan Sheng's Farewell 至今還可隨時見面的團友劉志強/My buddy