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A Moment - Viggo Wallensköld , 2003 Finnish,b.1969-
▲ 2019/07/13 18:34 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
https://huariqueje.tumblr.com/post/186143439616/a-moment-viggo-wallensk%C3%B6ld-2003 https://huariqueje.tumblr.com/archive
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Art on Sunday    -    Alan Kingsbury   British b.1960- Nicholas Kalmakoff (Russian-French, 1873–1955)   Dionysos, 1908  Gouache, touche, pencil. gold and mixed media on paper laid on cardboard, A Moment   -   Viggo Wallensköld , 2003  Finnish,b.1969- “Red-Haired Woman on the Sofa”, 1897  Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 自我放棄 ‘L’abandon’ - Guillaume Seignac