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墨水與廣告顏料搭配的效果 ZICHY, Mihály - The Kiss - Ink and gouache,
▲ 2018/04/06 14:13 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
http://centuriespast.tumblr.com/post/151447813435/zichy-mih%C3%A1ly-the-kiss-ink-and-gouache-555-x http://centuriespast.tumblr.com/archive
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睡蓮 / 粉彩條 pastel /Graszka Paulska / Female / Poland Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) Poppies and Butterflies, 1890. Painted at Saint-Rémy-Blanzy, France. 墨水與廣告顏料搭配的效果 ZICHY, Mihály - The Kiss - Ink and gouache, drawing reference 梵谷畫作"三雙鞋"經X光透析,底部還有另一張靜物花, 一張畫兩張價值。