個人相簿驕傲的旗徽 瀏覽773|回應0|推薦0
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▲ 2008/07/18 00:33 (社會人文軍事交通)
Using Japanese flag for an apron Chinese artillery man eats his bowl of rice in the jungle. After finishing, he removed flag and cheerfully wiped his mouth with it. Some of Stilwell's Chinese are as young as 14, few are older than 轉貼自CBI戰史網站
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新一軍印緬陣亡將士紀念碑 美國記者眼中最強的抗戰中國步兵 中國駐印軍年方14歲的炮兵,腰綁奪自日軍的戰旗神情愉快的用餐 遠征軍殺敵戰果 孫立人與史迪威攝於新一軍軍部