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畢業旅行之清境農場2/Final Year Trip to Chingjing Farm
▲ 2006/09/28 22:59 (人物其他)
We had joy we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.But the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time...Well, the most important thing is WE had seasons in the sun during those days, right?
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初抵台大參加校運會/My First Sport Day at NTU 畢業旅行之清境農場3/Final Year Trip to Chingjing Farm-3 畢業旅行之清境農場2/Final Year Trip to Chingjing Farm 畢業旅行之清境農場1/Final Year Trip to Chingjing Farm-1 大學口吃火鍋/ Having steam boat meal at Da Xue Kou