個人相簿構成主義 Constructivism 瀏覽18|回應0|推薦0
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Abigail Reynolds, When Words are Forgotten, 2018 / The Universal Now and Further Episodes at PEER Gallery, London.
▲ 2019/09/23 14:41 (社會人文繪畫插圖)
Steel, acrylic, tinted and textured glass and found materials, 275 (h) x 360 (w) x 48 (d) cms https://mentaltimetraveller.tumblr.com/archive https://mentaltimetraveller.tumblr.com/post/187009640297/abigail-reynolds-when-words-are-forgotten-2018
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電藍色 Carlos Cruz-Diez Induction du jaune 211 2016 Galerie 理性、構成與設計 Abigail Reynolds, When Words are Forgotten, 2018  / The Universal Now and Further Episodes at PEER Gallery, London. rudmer de jong photo MARCIA WOLFSON RAY